Outdoor Painters of Minnesota is dedicated to the promotion and education of plein air painting by organizing monthly paint outs, sponsored workshops, biannual group shows and a variety of other events.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

More on Arboretum Show

Dear OPM members.

Attached is a list of the artists, painting titles, mediums and prices for the Arboretum show Please let us know if you see any mistakes in name spelling, prices etc. We still need several artist statements, with a small photo if possible Please e-mail them to joe@wilcockgallery.com.
Thanks or your help.

Keith Wilcock
Wilcock Gallery
9(52) 470-8118
Preliminary list of artists, paintings and prices for “Outdoor Extraordinaire”

Richard Abraham “Wildflowers” oil $650

Richard Abraham “Lake Pepin, July” oil 1,100

Judith Anderson “Snowy Day at 9 Mile” oil 750

Michael Anderson “Potato Vine” oil 225

Michael Anderson “Globe Thistle” oil 175

Scott Lloyd Anderson “Dock on Slope” oil 2,300

Scott Lloyd Anderson “The Creek Below Minnehaha Falls” oil 1,450

Jerri Jo Brandt “Spring Iris” oil 400

Michele Combs “Shoreline Lilies” oil 995

Derek Davis “Sentry Over the Sled Dog Yard” oil 1,200

Derek Davis “Mountain Town” oil 1,500

Tom Dimock “Autumn – Minnesota River Valley” watercolor 600

Patricia Duncan “Catalina Shops” oil 450

Bridget Ertelt “Corner Garden” oil 250

Diane Foster “Corner in Chicago” oil 2,200

Diane Foster “Oranges and Lemon” oil 600

Tom Foty “Woman in Red” oil 1,500

Tom Foty “Wayzata Marina” oil 750

Laura Frykman “Frozen Falls Cascade River” pastel 700

Kristin Grevich “Peonies Watching You” oil 1,600

Kristin Grevich “August Color on Sugar Lake” oil 1,600

Marva Harms “Towel Dried” oil 500

Marva Harms “Mother’s Day Tulips” oil 550

CeCile Hartleib “Lyndale Gardens in June I” watercolor 300

CeCile Hartleib “Lyndale Gardens in June II” watercolor 300

Aaron Jacobs “Cherry & Spoon” oil 225

Aaron Jacobs “Gazebo” oil 225

Richard Kochenash “Redbud in the Japanese Garden” oil 750

Richard Kochenash “Shrub Roses at the Arboretum” oil 750

Donna Krska “Still Water at Sherburne” oil 575

Pam Kurtz “A Walk in the Park” oil 225

Tim Kurtz “Lupine House” oil 225

Donna LeBeau “Monday Wash Day” pastel 350

Cheryl LeClair-Sommer “The Long View” oil 425

Cheryl LeClair-Sommer “Big Ole’s Ice Cream Shop” oil 575

Diane LaMere “Country Road” oil 1,200

Kathleen Litwin “Hyland Park” oil 1,000

Susan McLean Keeney “Italian Gardens” acrylic 425

Susan McLean Keeney “Coastal Sunset” acrylic 275

Peter A. Mathews “Litomysl Farm” oil 300

Tom McGregor “Lion’s Park” oil 450

Marla Mullaney “Peaceful Easy Feelin” oil 850

Susan Novak “Custer, S.D.” oil 650

Jan Oxendale “Peonies in Gold” oil 350

Sandi Pillsbury (Gredzens) “Gentle Stream – Falling Water” oil 350

Christina Plichta “Burgundy & Pink Hibiscus” oil 340

Joseph F Reinke “Mounds Park Pines” oil 75

Elizabeth Scheele “Peonies at Sunset” oil 850

Elizabeth Scheele “Hay Bales at Sunset” oil 1750

Ginger Hansen Shafer “Spring” oil 800

Patricia Schwartz “The Creek” oil 9,500

Patricia Schwartz “Gracious Grapes” oil 875

Neil Sherman “Junk Yard Moon” oil 700

Christine Tierney “Wayzata Depot Garden” oil 525

Geraldine (Gerry)Tostenson “Carriage House Park” oil 300

Patricia Undis “The Original Holmsted” oil 390

Michelle Wegler “How’d We Get Here” pastel 348

Keith Wilcock “Dingle Bay – Ireland” watercolor 860

Ron Wilson “Raspberry Island” pastel 150

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Letter from Keith Wilcock - Wilcock Gallery

Dear Richard,

Here is a progress report on the OPM Arboretum show.

Wow!  Forty three artists responded to the call and brought  82 paintings to the Wilcock gallery.  The quality is excellent. Joe and I had a difficult time deciding what to include.  As I mentioned, the Reedy gallery can accommodate about 50 paintings..  Because many of the pieces are small, we are pushing the total to 55 or 60. Everyone who entered will get at least one piece in. We eliminated some of the snowscapes in favor of flowers.  We had a few too many shades of green landscapes and tried to choose pieces that would represent variety. Several pieces were actually painted at the Arboretum.

We still need some artist statements for the binder in the gallery.  They can be e-mailed to us at joe@wilcockgallery.com .

It was fun meeting so many seasoned artists, seeing their art and learning more about their activities and careers.  We hope to see OPM members painting in the Arboretum, if spring ever really does arrive.

Questions or concerns can be directed to us at (952) 470-8118.

Keith Wilcock

Friday, April 12, 2013

PAPA show in Wausau this Summer

21st of JUNE 2013:
The exhibition Celebrating Summer opens at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, Wausau, WI. More than 80 paintings by members and guests of the Plein Air Painters of America celebrate the solstice and the beginning of summer.

BRIAN STEWART, “Summer Fun” oil, 12x16

OPM Meeting May 1st

Hey OPM,

We usually hold our meetings on the last Wednesday of the month, however this month that is 2 days before the Spring St. Paul Art Crawl, so we are pushing it to the following Wednesday May 1st. Michele Combs has volunteered to host the meeting at her studio in the Northrup King Building.

7pm - Studio 391

Northrup King Building 
1500 Jackson St. NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413

Here is a page from the NKB website that has directions from every part of the metro.


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Blog Update


I added a couple of features to the blog, just wanted to make you aware.
On the right hand column I added a list of plein air events with a link to more their websites, a list of other plein air groups with links, and a few cool online resources with links.


If anyone has a link they think I should add email me at richard@richardabraham.com

More Information on Jaques Art Center Plein Air Event

I'm sure many of you got the email from Angie Barnhart at the Jaques Art Center in Aitkin.
Their plein air event will be held July 17th to July 20th. The email had more information and a registration form attached to get a copy email jac@jaquesart.com

Elosie Butler Event Update

I've been in touch with Lauren Borer the Education Coordinator at the Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden & Bird Sanctuary.
She sent me this.
"June 8th is a busy day at the Garden. The Urban Birding Festival will taking place that weekend with birding walks going on in and around the Garden. There will also be a family event happening near the Wirth Pavilion and within the Garden through In the Heart of the Beast Theater company called Fairies and Flowers.
I would like promote these event together since they are all happening on the same day. Do you have any images, logos, or photos that can be used to make a simple postcard or flier to be posted in our Visitor’s Shelter on our bulletin board."

So I'm putting it out there to send me a any images of wildflower paintings that I could send her along with the OPM logo. Please just send me one image, I'll send her 3 jpegs max. I just thought this would be better than Lauren getting 50 emails with images attached.



Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Amana Iowa Plein Air

6th Annual Iowa Plein Air in Amana
Labor Day Weekend

Artists Paint Amana
Labor Day Weekend - August 30th - September 1st
Artists paint various locations around the Amana Colonies.


Duluth Tall Ships Plein Air

Thursday July 25th 5-7pm
Duluth Art Institute
Meet in the Depot Great Hall
Work will be displayed in the Depot Great Hall
July 26th-30th
More information coming soon at


Monday, April 1, 2013

Arboretum Show Update from Keith Wilcock

Hey OPM,
Just received this email from Keith, passing it on.

Hi Richard,

Regarding the Arboretum show:

Up to two paintings delivered to the Wilcock Gallery at 218 Water Street, downtown Excelsior, on or before April 15. They need not be all field sketches. Larger studio painting are also acceptable.  They should be framed with wires for hanging. (We can help if need be.) Artists will receive 3 month passes to get into the Arboretum for painting and to attend the show. We will also have them sign our consignment agreement which provides insurance coverage during the show..

We will hang the show , take it down, bill the Arboretum for sold pieces and pay the artists. We will hang the show May 1st and take it down July 31. We will make the final decision on what to hang but everyone who enters will get at least one piece in. No opening celebration on May ist.

We will celebrate on the June 2nd paint out.  On that day the Arboretum has also scheduled "Music in the Gardens", so there should be a good crowd of visitors.  At 4PM we will bring the field sketches to the Reedy gallery for a "show and tell".  There will be punch and cookies.  Perhaps you can give a brief presentation for visitors and OPM members on the challenges of plein air painting and OPM's mission.

Anyone with questions or concerns can call us at (952) 470-8118.


Keith Wilcock

April Paint Outs

Harrison Park
1701 West 100th Street
Bloomington, MN

Wednesday April 10th 1:00 - sunset
Saturday April 20th 9:00 - 2:00