Outdoor Painters of Minnesota is dedicated to the promotion and education of plein air painting by organizing monthly paint outs, sponsored workshops, biannual group shows and a variety of other events.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Laura Frykman Show

New Pastel Landscapes & Florals
by Laura Frykman

March 2 - 30 at St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral, Mpls.

Artist's Talk and Reception
Tues. March 25th, 7-9 pm.
Q & A at 7:30 pm.

15 newly framed pastel landscapes and florals, shown with
last summer's highlights in a north-lit gallery just outside
the sanctuary.

 Come chat with me Sundays from
11:30 – 12:30 or view the work anytime the church is open.
30% of proceeds go to St. Mark's.
519 Oak Grove St, Minneapolis, MN 55403

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